Make Me A Child

Lord Jesus I want You to make me a child
With heart that is tender and laughter that's wild

Melt in me all that the cold world has frozen
Knowing You’re real, not just some supposin’

Place me in Your lap and please hold me so tight
So I know there’s nothing to fear in the night 

And when I look back at You, doubting and all
Remind me that You'll surely catch every fall

Help me to serve You and others succinctly
To mean what I say and say it distinctly

Give me the courage to scale every mountain
Knowing I’ll drink from your life-giving fountain

Oh, blind me not with the lights of the city
Help me admire but not cling to what's pretty

With faith never-ending, I want so to be
Consumed by great love, oh create this in me

Dear Lord, how I need to hold tight to Your hand
Please guide me until I reach Your promised land.


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