You Found Me

"If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." Jeremiah 29:13

When my kids were really little, they loved playing Hide-and-Go-Seek.  I loved it, too.

On one particular occasion, we were playing the game with their cousins at Aunt Nancy's house.  After several rounds of different cousins being it, I noticed that my own two children were never found.  And, they never came out of hiding, either.

As their mother, I became concerned and called for them, but I didn't hear them answer.  There was a lot of noise in the house, and distractions all over the place, so I began to search for them.  I told myself everything was alright.  They would come out immediately when they heard me call.  Their cousins called, too.  Still, no sign of either one of them.

Then, I became frantic.  I searched everywhere:  behind the shower curtain, under the beds, in all the closets, cabinets, behind the doors.  Out of desperation, I even looked in places I knew they would never hide--it wasn't their nature.  Not surprising, they weren't in those places, either.

Since the noise was so loud in the house, I finally asked everyone if they would be very quiet and listen for them, which the cousins all took to be part of the game and great fun.  When the house was completely silent, I called their names, "Meredith, Dylan."

Two soft, giggly, and muffled voices answered back, "In here!"

We still couldn't find them, but walking toward the sound, they said, "Under the pillows, on the bed."

We tore back the pillows to find the two biggest smiles, belly-laughing out of control.  When they finally took a breath, they said, "You FINALLY found us!  We were calling to you the whole time!  We wanted you to find us!  And, you were so close to us--so many times!"

God wants us to find Him, too.

He's calling to you.  Do you hear Him?  Are you listening?

Sometimes we waste time looking for Him in places we know we'll never find Him.  And, sometimes there is too much noise, too many distractions. 

Acts 17:27 says, "His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us."

Perhaps there was a time in your life when you felt closer to God than you do now.  It's time to search for Him again.  He isn't hiding from you.  He wants to be found.  Maybe, just maybe, you're the one who's hiding.

I leave you with a beautiful new song from Steven Curtis Chapman, Remember to Remember.

Goodnight, Runners.


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