The Amazing People That We Meet

"Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11

In my line of work, there is some travel.  I never really appreciated this travel for the blessing that it is until recently.  I've met some amazing people on airplanes in my journeys, like George Foreman, Congressman Ted Poe, a woman doing humanitarian work through the UN, a Nigerian man named Innocence, and the list goes on.

Travelling has never been in my comfort zone, but God is so good about stretching us and bettering us, isn't He?  In my most recent trip to Calgary, it wasn't on the airplane that I met anyone so amazing, but it was in the drivers that I had.

The first was an Italian Catholic man from New York.  When I asked him about the Rosary beads he had hanging from his mirror, thinking I would share Christ with him, I learned of his uncompromising and unapologetic love for the Savior.  He told about raising his boys to pray at all times, to be kind, loving, courageous, and to have an unwavering faith in Jesus.

The second was a dear lady who had what I would call get up and dance gospel music playing when she picked me up at five o'clock in the morning to take me to the airport.  She was a kind and humble woman who served with such soberness and gentleness.  Her love for God and her sweet demeanor endeared her to me in a way I can't quite put into words.

It struck me that these are the amazing people in the world--not the seeker's of the limelight, those who have to be the center of attention.  No, it is those people who go about the simple business of working in what God has called them to, with a humble heart that longs to serve--seeking to give instead of receive.

Those are the truly amazing people that we meet.


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