Joyful Resurrection

Do you believe in Easter? The Bible tells us in the gospels about the wondrous life of Christ, including his death, burial, and resurrection from the dead. Yet, there are still many people I meet each and every day who do not believe that Jesus died on a cross for our sins, and rose again from the dead the third day after his death. If we truly believe this and grasp the depth of it, our behavior will be radically changed!

Do you live each day as though you believe in Easter? Does it change the way you think? Does it change the manner in which you treat others?

The Bible tells us the story of Lazarus dying and being raised from the dead after being in the grave for four days. Martha, Lazarus' sister, was not too happy with Jesus in this story. She knew Jesus had the power to give life, and he left her sick brother behind to minister in another town. Yet, in John 11:25, "Jesus told her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.'" Jesus went on to restore life to Lazarus' body--even after he had been in the grave for four days! Just imagine it. Yet, the bigger point was that there is life beyond the physical body--beyond the here and now.

Are you living like that's true? Like Martha, we often forget how powerful it is to have a personal relationship with Christ.

I'm praying this week that you will know the depth of the life-changing power of Christ's resurrection. And, not only that you would know it, but that you would share it.

May you be radically changed this week, and may you have the best Easter you've ever had in your life.


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